The Mayor of Toronto at the time, Mel Lastman, also contributed $50,000 (2003 Canadian dollars) to replace damaged trees in Prince Edward Island.
That number will grow considerably over the winter as other damaged trees fail to survive, she said.
Often an aged, damaged tree becomes a liability.
The former damaged trees, signs, and a runway at Marshall Space Flight Center; it also flipped over two trailers.
The countries with the least damaged trees were Austria and France.
Booce and his damaged tree would arrive in a blaze of publicity.
A damaged tree can sprout suckers galore everywhere it has been wounded.
Even the company, which has consented to replace damaged trees and reduce the monkey population, agrees that the monkeys have made a mess of things.
The debate over how to handle damaged trees on private land is only slightly less intense.
Some government aid is available to replace damaged trees, but the amount is small, farmers said.