It is said that the temple present at Veshala city in the older days was heavily damaged following the attacks of extremists.
Police at the trial said that the paper had been damaged following a series of forensic tests.
The public image of rail travel was severely damaged following the series of significant accidents after privatisation.
Single Dissociation inferences observe that one cognitive faculty can be spared while another can be damaged following brain damage.
The original Abbey cloister and church were damaged and rebuilt following a fire in 1280 and again after a fire in 1375.
Trongsa Dzong was heavily damaged following the 1897 Assam earthquake.
K-140, 1968, reactor damaged following an uncontrolled, automatic increase in power during shipyard work.
The park was damaged following a significant flood on Memorial Day, 1935.
Johnston's oldest brother Rupert who played the French Horn, was brain damaged following a car accident in 1997.
On April 18th, the building was seriously damaged following an earthquake.