Will it be irreparably damaged before the end of the next five centuries?
A total of 122 bombers were damaged and needed repairs before their next flight.
Damaged by fire before 854, it became part of a priory in 1067, and a parish church in the 13th century.
And that background, they suggested, would have seriously damaged his credibility before a jury.
However the house was severely damaged by fire in February 1978, a few months before his death, though most of the collection was saved.
If we duel, how much of the earth may be damaged before one of us bests the other?
You can usually do this if the goods are defective or were damaged before clearing customs.
The Soviets immediately used the airport, which had been damaged by the Germans before their retreat.
Others believe it was damaged before the two trains collided with each other.
The vast majority of children who developed cerebral palsy were damaged long before labor, the studies found.