No comprehensive study has yet measured the full damage wrought by the schools.
The damage wrought by humans on the African elephant makes for uncomfortable reading.
In light of the damage wrought by the storm, Oxfam called for international aid to the country.
But several observers said that she could not so easily escape the damage wrought by the trial.
Yet the government cannot easily undo the damage wrought by the courts.
In addition, his early work documents a time before much of the Arctic and its people suffered the damage wrought by modern technology.
Whatever the actual scale of these operations may be, there's no question that the environmental damage wrought on the region has been enormous.
The burning sensation is not "real" in the sense of damage being wrought on tissues.
Reports have only begun to emerge of the terrible damage wrought by the military on the land.
But he had never seen the damage wrought by an artillery shell.