In 1977, Lauper damaged her vocal cords and took a year off.
She'd damaged her vocal cords screaming in Wormboy Hell.
A few months later, after damaging his vocal cords, he went off the air, but returned in August 2001.
An operation was considered but rejected by Bruno since it could permanently damage her vocal cords.
The singers will scramble for day jobs that won't deplete their energy or damage their vocal cords.
One-Eye spoke in a voice surprisingly thin and reedy, as if someone had damaged his vocal cords somewhere along the line.
Somewhere along the line, Kirk judged, he'd damaged his vocal cords.
The tenor refused general anesthesia, for fear that the breathing tubes would damage his vocal cords.
They took out most of his palate and damaged his vocal cords, but he beat the disease.
He rescued her, but a window exploded right in his face, scarring him and damaging his vocal cords.