The society of the planetarium's youth was the more sophisticated one, and the old building's impending death is part of a trend that has damaged American life.
The buildup in the environment of these acids can damage aquatic life, forests and buildings.
They contend that the policy will not protect offshore waters from drilling that could damage marine life and the economies of the coastal communities that depend on fishing.
The lethal coal slurry turns the water into Blackwater, causing discoloration and low dissolved oxygen levels (Hypoxia ), which drastically damages animal life.
But critics of the practice say it damages or destroys marine life and transports storm runoff into coastal waters.
He provides an example of a hypothetical oil spill which severely damaged marine life.
This rubbish drifts across the seas and ends up on beaches, severely damaging the environment and marine life.
In my view it is hypocritical to maintain that approving the principle that work may be done on Sundays will damage people's health and social life.
Some historians maintain that the Prince would not have been driven from office were it not for the Vietnam War, which had damaged Cambodian economic life.
Too much copper in water has also been found to damage marine life.