High levels of free radicals can damage cells, including those in the lens of the eye.
High enough concentrations to provide antiseptic effect may also increase the time of wound healing by damaging human cells.
Over time, the abnormal accumulation of this substance can damage cells that are critical for clear central vision.
Radiation exposure in high doses over long periods of time can damage human cells and cause cancer or injury to the central nervous system.
Both of these chemicals can directly damage cells and lead to neuronal cell death.
Each of these imbalances can damage cells; in diabetes there are several acting together.
Mercury is a toxic heavy metal, and even small amounts can damage cells.
Ionizing radiation, used in a variety of imaging procedures, can damage cells.
They contain antioxidants that counter free radicals, which can damage cells.
Free radicals can damage cells, and may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases.