However, this identification actually damaged her popularity among party delegates who were disappointed by the rightward shifts of the Rae government.
Dynegy officials worried yesterday that even talking about renegotiating the merger deal could damage confidence in Enron among investors and other energy traders.
The decade 1996-2005 has the second most damage among the past 11 decades, with only the decade 1926-1935 surpassing its costs.
The removal certainly preserved her life, but it damaged her reputation among those who were not connected with intelligence.
These events damaged his reputation among the ancient writers, though more recent historians have revised this opinion.
Even so, the affair damaged Mr. Lack's standing among the board members.
Damaging them or removing them, among other acts, is considered an incompensable encroachment on nature and the landscape.
He did enough damage right here among us.
Justice Wilentz acted out of a sincere but misguided view that the scene would damage the justice system's reputation among blacks.
This type of report damages our acceptance among the population and among the candidate countries.