Then he talked about Earl, how the guy was damaged goods, but would do anything for him.
Everyone knew that this Texas outfit was damaged goods by early 1989.
Why should they pay an insurance claim for something that really wasn't damaged goods?
I also think, from his point of view, he's going to want to prove that he is not damaged goods.
"But if the recession is deep and people blame the Democrats for raising taxes, by 1992 he may be damaged goods."
Being strapped to their chairs and forced to watch the show might have helped, but mainly they were damaged goods.
"These two guys are clawing at each other, and whoever emerges is going to be damaged goods for the fall."
The sailors not wanting the cargo to go to waste set up a store on the river bank and sold the water damaged goods.
But for those who might want their money back after learning that Leonard was damaged goods, this is the risk of pay-per-view boxing.
"Neither did you," she whispered, "when I wasn't damaged goods."