The provision to raise dairy prices is not the only area in which the House and Senate bills conflict.
Profits are equally uninspired, especially when dairy prices are relatively high.
Lower milk prices will also benefit consumers even if taxpayers have to keep paying more in dairy price supports.
A consumer boycott of cottage cheese in protest at dairy prices won widespread support.
The cheese substitute is a formula food that was devised in the 1970's when dairy prices began to climb.
It dropped, for example, a Senate-passed measure that would increase dairy price supports.
He said Borden had hired new regional managers who would set dairy prices on a market-by-market basis in 22 areas around the country.
The proposal to raise dairy prices at the farm gate would have done just that - nothing more.
The Government has announced a temporary program to bolster flagging dairy prices.
Recently, due to an increase in dairy prices, large amounts of previously forested land are being converted into farmland.