Take slow, dainty steps and sway your hips.
The tutor-senator insists that the Democrats' road back to majority power must begin with patient, dainty steps.
She crossed the court with quick dainty steps, and caught the return on the volley.
Her snowy mare, with its arched neck and dainty step, was almost as tall as Rand's bay.
He made the big man go from one end of the solarium to the other, back and forth, studying every dainty suspensor-assisted step, making suggestions.
She looked out over the valley and laughed at Whinney picking her way through the unaccustomed drifts with high dainty steps.
He was very fat indeed, yet he walked with the light dainty step of a woman.
Demoines walked to the edge of the road, took a dainty step into the mushy swamp and sank up to his knees in water.
She, in turn, dispelled her conjured barriers at just that point, and the Pacha ponies picked their way across, with dainty steps.
When it was over, she ran a few dainty steps beyond the finish, stopped and threw her head back in a sort of madcap gesture".