It is published online daily with a print digest on Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters.
Opening times are 10:30 to 16:00 daily with the underground tours taking place at weekends and bank holidays.
The paper became a daily in 2002, with the exception of Saturdays.
It was launched as a daily July 23, 1923, with the Sunday strip following during the next month.
Herald Courier, a daily with a circulation of about 25,000.
The Morung Express is a daily with 12 pages on most days.
During that time, she could not leave Nablus, even to attend the local university, and had to check in daily with the police.
Security has a site in San Francisco, for men and boys, which costs $70 daily with a 7-percent problem rate.
Dinner is also available daily with entrees ranging from $9 to $12.
Newspaper columnists, for example, urge her on daily, with increasing agitation.