The high daily temperature is above freezing on an average of only 109 days per year.
The rest of Sweden has however not broken the daily average temperatures from the record year 1994.
The average daily temperature may be below 12℃ which will result to the death of early season rice.
The average daily temperature early in the month was around 85 degrees, and there were a number of days when it went over 100.
They peak in January with average daily temperature near 15.
There were 12 new records for daily high temperatures, including 76 degrees on April 9.
Dry cold means that the average daily temperature is below 14 degrees.
The mean maximum daily temperature during the study was 21 (range 11-27) C.
Average daily temperatures are 0 to 5 C all over the year.
This followed a January in which average daily temperatures were 8.5 degrees above normal.