Before 22 June 1941, German reconnaissance was far predominant in frequency with many daily sorties throughout the region.
While American helicopters fly almost daily sorties north from here, searchers have several handicaps.
Two of the planes have been flying daily sorties in the Persian Gulf.
The daily sortie reached 60 by the end of September.
Beginning at 0500 hours tomorrow morning, all pilots will fly four daily sorties until further notice, he announced.
Pentagon officials note that the German "tenants" account for fewer than 5 percent of the daily sorties from Holloman.
He writes of subsequent perilous daily sorties he made with his fellow Africa veterans.
In contrast, prior to the Easter Offensive, the number of daily sorties was about 10, and during the action, peaked at about 300.
Italian fighter aircraft flew several daily sorties apiece in support of their own troops during this battle.
By 13 July, daily sorties had risen to 16.