It was time for Oleg Gordievsky's daily jog.
And let's not forget that fellow who so values his daily jog that he ripped up the White House lawn to put in a track.
Once in summer 1978 I ran my daily jog naked and if anybody saw me, they never phoned the cops.
Admiral Cutter emerged from his house at 6:15 for his daily jog.
Hammer then continues his daily jog, stomping a couple's picnic in the process.
Jonathan Wamback starts his daily jog through the streets of his suburban neighbourhood.
Feeling a little subdued on your daily jog?
Mac McCullum moved steadily along on his daily jog as the sun rose orange over the radiant city of New Babylon.
Atlas died of heart failure at age 80 after his daily jog on the beach (his family had a history of heart attacks).
National Parks Image Gallery Imagine this is your backdrop when you go for your daily jog.