Some hotels charge extra for daily housekeeping, for instance, or for breakfast in the hotel's restaurant when the owners are in residence.
Facilities include air-conditioned rooms, color television, daily housekeeping, full kitchen, radio, telephone, tennis courts, freshwater pool and a restaurant.
Rents include three meals a day, daily housekeeping, linens and laundry, all utilities except telephone service, 24-hour security, support groups and wellness and recreation programs.
From £3,600 (two nights' minimum stay) with daily housekeeping.
Rent includes three meals a day, utilities, daily housekeeping and laundry.
Beyond the arched windows and polished white marble in the lobby are 346 rooms, including suites, with coffee makers and twice daily housekeeping.
In unsubsidized assisted-living developments built for higher-income people, residents usually get three meals a day, an activities program, daily or weekly housekeeping and daily transportation.
In most cases, the residences are run like hotels, with linens, towels, daily housekeeping and reception desks.
From mid-June to late September, Trinity is almost like a hotel, with student bellhops, daily housekeeping and a concierge desk.
These prices include three meals a day, utilities, daily housekeeping and laundry.