The general interest pages include lottery results, daily horoscopes, TV guide with listings for the Seven Network in its five metropolitan markets.
Elsewhere in the Ministry of Truth, thousands of workers are creating cheap novels and daily horoscopes, all the trappings of the popular culture.
The devices can block everything from party lines and daily horoscopes to directory assistance and international calls.
YOU take it all with a grain of salt when you read your daily horoscope or the advice columns.
The number of newspapers carrying daily horoscopes increased dramatically this past decade, and a psychic helped advise the White House during the Reagan years.
Many people also subscribe to services for receiving messages like the joke of the day or daily horoscopes.
In Italy, daily horoscopes are the rage.
They wore rally turbans, read their daily horoscopes and closed practices that nobody wanted to see anyway.
Mr. O'Shaughnessy, who probably doesn't even read his daily horoscope, is more of an empiricist when it comes to market judgments.