The daily expenditure will amount to a thousand ounces of silver.
Every individual aged 16 and over in the household visited is also asked to keep a diary that records daily expenditure for two weeks.
Average daily expenditures of resident visitors was $4.33 per day while non-residents spent $9.28 daily.
Knowing that their good-hearted hosts could never afford the daily expenditure of so many people, the Prince decided to seek help from an old friend who lived nearby.
Hebard directed the university's finances with near independence, excluding an annual review, from any administrative oversight of the daily expenditures she authorized.
The rental and provisioning of those vessels are accounting for much of the agency's $100,000 daily expenditure, Mr. Loeb said.
He estimated that even with a daily expenditure of about $5 a day, the city's 800,000 commuters would easily spend more than $1 billion.
My friend and I each paid half the bill so the minimum daily expenditure could be noted on our visas.
I budgeted for a daily expenditure of fifteen dollars.
We will all need to rebuild our scales of values in terms of our salaries and our daily expenditure.