There was neither sound nor movement from Tristan's room and I waited for the next move in the daily drama.
These are the kind of daily dramas that unfold in Camby's life now.
In 2008, started filming the musical daily drama "Danny Hollywood", which began its second season not long ago.
The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.
Only the names of the participants in these daily dramas need be changed.
As the Diet considers a ban on prostitution, the women's daily dramas play out.
The show has also consistently maintained a position as one of the top ten daily dramas on Indian general entertainment channels.
Carrington originated radio soap opera in 1932, and wrote more than 12,000 daily dramas during her long career.
They know the daily drama of the classroom, a drama beyond measurement.
Here, a daily drama emerges from the constant border-crossing from one environment to the next.