Low-fat frozen yogurt adds more than 30% of your daily calcium.
Also useful is regular exercise, taking adequate daily calcium and not smoking or drinking alcohol to excess.
Nine of 10 girls and 7 of 10 boys aged 12 to 19 do not get the recommended daily calcium.
Taking daily calcium and vitamin B6 (50 mg to 100 mg).
This nontraditional pizza is full of lean protein, iron, and more than 40% of your daily calcium.
Getting enough daily calcium when you have osteoporosis will help reduce bone loss.
One cup of cooked collards contains more than 25% of your daily calcium.
One serving contains more than 35% of your daily calcium.
Additionally they should be given daily calcium supplements that are essential for a correct shell development.
Toss some mozzarella cheese over it, and you've got a side dish with 20% of your daily calcium.