Unfortunately no deals from that match were in the daily bulletins or on the Internet.
DemoDanish will begin the process, and more information will be posted at school through the daily bulletin.
A peaceful world, if it were not for the daily bulletins from the eastern front and the reports of air raids on our cities.
The name of her company was Dailycandy.com, a free daily e-mail bulletin about style, trends, fashion, food and culture, which then had no financing.
Most major national and international tournaments have daily bulletins.
Now, though, his hitting has begun to overshadow those daily bulletins.
This sentiment appeared in the daily bulletin on the fourth morning: "Thank heaven they are leaving today.
They produce student-focused news in the daily bulletins which are broadcast 10am-6pm, 7 days a week on the station.
Human rights violations are documented in daily bulletins, monthly, annual and special reports.
The secretaries' duties start each day with the post and daily bulletin.