LIPUS has been shown to effect tissue growth in as little as 20 minutes of time with repeated daily applications.
Skin patches do provide a better blood level profile of testosterone, but skin irritation and daily application still limit their usefulness.
With multiple daily applications (four doses per day), steady state serum levels occur after one week, with no accumulation occurring after four weeks.
But the internal processing required to produce that continuous stream of electricity high in the sky proved too expensive for daily applications.
Start out by applying AHA skin products every other day, gradually working up to a daily application.
Conversely, sufferers have said that daily application of emulsifying ointment to often-affected areas acts as a preventive measure.
An average treatment takes two to three months and involves daily applications of Dr. Zhao's liniment.
For people in their 20s, who have yet to see much evidence of sun damage, it may be tempting to skip the daily application.
That will require time and persistence and daily application.
At home, parents/caregivers will adopt measures for oral hygiene and diet control, as well as daily application of a 0.05% NaF solution.