And one with the same sort of cynical edge that figures in every moment of Mr. Letterman's talk show.
And it has a nasty, cynical edge.
Though the political statement of "Cabaret" is muted by a sentimental storyline, the emcee and his lyrics still have their cynical edge.
Even his expression had changed subtly there was a cynical edge to his smile that hadn't been there before.
He heard the cynical edge to her voice.
Perhaps they clicked because they both enjoy making movies with a cynical edge.
She wasn't certain what he meant, but the cynical edge to his voice made her quite sure that she didn't want an explanation.
The songs were more developed but the cynical edge of the first album remained.
His laugh had a cynical edge.
Lester Lynch, as Jake and Crown, had an appropriate cynical edge to his tone.