The cylinder revolves around a central axis in the revolver to bring each individual chamber into alignment with the barrel for firing.
In many of these (especially those that were converted long after manufacture), the pin on which the cylinder revolved was removed, and the cylinder taken from the gun for loading.
He touched one of the levers, the cylinder revolved and the box began to play Mozart's minuet in G. After two bars he switched it off.
Slowly the hammer started back and the cylinder revolved, bringing the empty-casing-filled chamber into line with the barrel.
Twisting free of low-hung timbers, a mammoth cylinder revolved into the net.
As the cylinder revolves, the teeth vibrate and emit sound.
First, the throat in a revolver is at least as long as the maximum overall length of the cartridge, otherwise the cylinder cannot revolve.
The vertical cylinder revolved.
Then Sing pulled the trigger again and again, but the cylinder would not revolve and the hammer fell futilely upon the empty cartridge.