The title refers to the cyclical process of initiating reform, change and return to the status quo.
This is a cyclical process that occurs in many phases.
This cyclical process causes the star to become strongly variable, and results in it blowing off material from its outer layers.
Action research is depicted as a cyclical process of change.
Design is a cyclical process, and sometimes you have to loop backward to go forward.
This cyclical process involves going back and forth between phases of data analysis as needed until you are satisfied with the final themes.
By the late 19th century, Goldstein says, many thinkers pointed to this cyclical process as evidence that inequality was built into the nature of life.
The human actor, the entrepreneur is seen as the cause of economic development which occurs as a cyclical process.
In cyclical processes, such as the operation of a heat engine, state functions return to their initial values after completing one cycle.
The resulting interplay, he said, "is actually a delicate, cyclical process."