The Guardian wrote that Anachronox featured a "movie-like pace, with key events nicely animated but strangely predictable to anyone familiar with cyberpunk fiction".
Several subcultures have been inspired by cyberpunk fiction.
Cybergoth is a fashion and dance subculture which draws its inspiration from cyberpunk fiction, as well as rave and gothic subcultures.
These "one man against the Empire" cyber wars were predicted in numerous works of cyberpunk fiction.
His second novel, Les Racines du mal ("The Roots of Evil"), appeared in 1995 and borders on cyberpunk fiction.
Through its treatment of locative technology, the novel revisits notions of virtual reality and cyberspace prominent in Gibson's early cyberpunk fiction.
The invention of the matrix, even as a literary construct, marks the birth of cyberpunk fiction.
The term ICE is widely used in cyberpunk fiction.
The cyberpunk fiction of William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, and many others use science fiction techniques to address this postmodern, hyperreal information bombardment.
The story is a vitriolic satire of cyberpunk fiction.