We have the most sophisticated high-tech, cutting-edge equipment when compared to any exchange in the world or over-the-counter market.
Students can pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in the classroom and gain hands-on experience in laboratories with cutting-edge equipment.
'How ground heat pumps work' The heir to the throne has installed cutting-edge equipment to heat rooms, and provide hot water, at his Gloucestershire estate.
The hotel houses a spacious fitness center, cutting-edge equipment and a 20 m indoor swimming pool.
It is furnished with sophisticated and cutting-edge medical, diagnostic and surgical equipment.
We employed new, cutting-edge equipment.
For cardiophiles, the Holiday Inn provides some cutting-edge equipment.
Despite the cutting-edge equipment, it was more luxury apartment than office.
And as a faculty member at M.I.T., Mr. Machover has unrivaled access to cutting-edge equipment.
They should, in my opinion, possess a great deal of expensive, cutting-edge equipment, and be staffed by a team of scientists.