Why, then is it getting - at least for the moment - cuter, safer and more coy?
There were some cute moments between the two, but the episode had far too many threads going to make any of them really satisfactory.
It was a rare cute moment but in a split second there could be an accident too.
Take it for what it is ... a rare cute moment in time!!
Such cute and colorful Kodak moments abound here.
Despite its own overly cute moments, it was a relief to see the maturity with which Mr. Duell worked his dancers in and out of musical and choreographic patterns.
A cute moment, watching Arnold's faceoid freeze.
There are light moments - among them a dance for four women that includes walks that bounce with the music's beat - but there are also cuter moments.
GameSpot also agreed on the longevity issue, saying that "a few cute moments can't disguise this movie tie-in's biggest problem: its criminally short length."
This is a cute moment together.