Then he followed it with a cutaway drawing of the hill indicating the planned excavation shafts.
The fourth was a cutaway drawing of a side view of the Cathedral.
Those were the ones that interested him most; even more useful were the cutaway drawings and estimates of performance.
"Paul Gilbertson at Monticello said he believed this was a cutaway drawing of a mantelpiece, right?"
This section allows the observation of the internal structure of the cone as if the volcano was part of a real cutaway drawing.
The purpose of a cutaway drawing is to "allow the viewer to have a look into an otherwise solid opaque object.
During the conceptual development of the telescope Porter produced extremely detailed cutaway drawings that were noted for their precision and beauty.
According to Diepstraten et al. (2003) "the purpose of a cutaway drawing is to allow the viewer to have a look into an otherwise solid opaque object.
Some more examples of cutaway drawings, from products and systems to architectural building.
The right hand diagram is a cutaway drawing, showing the inside of the sphere.