Padishar's rough voice cut through the layers of hurt and brought his eyes open.
It took a while to cut through the layers.
But those few, child- oiced words cut through the defensive layers to grip the man who remained there within the re- treat.
Skillfully, she cut through the first layers of fat and muscle, to the site of the hernia.
Had the authorities finally cut through the layers of secrecy surrounding the organization?
"Listen to this," she said, and cut through the layers with a crunch.
From what you're both saying, it has to be the Protector if we're going to cut through all the layers of insulation.
They banked in a gyre that cut through the bottom layers of the clouds.
McNab's been cutting through the layers, and he managed to nail the source.
But building sleek offices and amenities has turned out to be a lot easier than cutting through the layers of indecision at the studios.