Although discounts cut profits for the stores, they join to stay competitive and hope to make up the loss on volume.
It sold cars, but it also cut profits by more than $500 million in the third quarter.
Amortizing that good will is expected to cut reported profits by about $150 million a year, Lockheed said.
Many exporters may be face pressure to swallow some price increases by cutting profits.
In addition, higher interest rates can cut profits by raising a company's debt-service payments.
Also, lower dollar interest rates have cut profits of gold-trading banks.
Prosecutors say the moves cut profits by roughly $200 million.
But he is worried that a sharp increase in capacity of 7 percent to 8 percent could put pressure on fares and cut profits.
They did not want to sell their vegetables on the books and pay taxes that sharply cut profits.
Both companies have had to cut prices and trim profits under pressure from hospitals, their main customers.