The massively curved jut of the rock cut off part of his view.
The father in a rage got his axe, and pursuing the Serpent, cut off part of its tail.
All mirrors very tall so they not cut off part of head when you look in them.
This seems plausible enough, since the wider screen would allow movies to be shown on home video equipment without cutting off part of the picture.
Sindercombe fought the guards until one guard cut off part of his nose.
The angle at which she looked up, cut off part of the lower section of the room.
That same night he cut off part of his own ear and gave the bloody flesh to a horrified prostitute.
The pain was so bad he cut off part of his ear trying to get at it.
"The idea of cutting down the trees is like cutting off part of myself."
We had cut off part of the helmet, raggedly, to obscure his features.