Even as unemployment rises, the Bush administration wants to cut vocational financing to $1 billion this year from $1.3 billion.
Cutting financing for besieged settlements can only confirm the terrorists in their inhuman tactics.
The state's delegation voted 26 to 1 against an amendment to cut financing.
He accused the president of needlessly cutting financing for teacher training, bilingual education, school construction and after-school programs.
The opponents say their case is bolstered by recent Congressional proposals to cut financing of national parks.
Saudi Arabia has also met the challenge of cutting terrorist financing through all possible channels.
Schools are now planning to cut seven teachers in the elementary grades, public financing of team sports and transportation service within the town's boundaries.
The leaders vowed new cooperation to cut off international financing and arms trafficking by terrorists, but the hardest work is still to come.
Federal, state and county governments must rethink policies that cut financing.
Congress and many states have also cut financing, in some cases to zero, for lawyers who represent convicted death-row inmates for their appeals.