Agents say the airlines have dropped hints that they intend to cut commissions by as much as one-fourth.
Would it not have been possible to present the compelling reasons not to cut commissions in the article as well?
Load operators, meanwhile, are cutting commissions as they give brokers a bigger share of them.
Some are cutting commissions, while others are finding alternative sales outlets like banks.
Colleagues, they wouldn't be too keen on cutting commissions then.
Another issue for the online travel agents is that the airlines, which have been cutting commissions the last year, are cutting them more.
The airlines hope to reduce their costs by cutting commissions.
Brokers cut commissions several times last year, to as low as $8.95 a trade in some cases.
But that was when the airlines decided to cut commissions, and so I thought I'd go to college.
Airlines have been cutting commissions, and many people have learned to research trips and get great deals themselves online.