The company plans to cut $2 billion in annual expenses, largely by eliminating 7,000 jobs, he said.
The merger plan, if completed, would allow the airlines to cut costs by eliminating overlapping sales forces and integrating routes.
Then he presented a plan to cut costs by eliminating, among other things, paid vacations for crew members.
Cordiant's management also hopes the breakup will cut the costs for the two companies by eliminating the administrative overhead of a parent company.
Down the road, he worries about cutting costs by eliminating coverage for routine doctors' visits.
I'll cut budget waste every year by eliminating the city's worst-performing programs.
But others say information technologies can help countries and consumers cut back by eliminating the waste.
The Republicans cut that to $14.6 billion by reducing or eliminating programs in almost every state agency.
The technique has also cut costs by eliminating major surgery and the resulting lengthy hospital stays.
A banking industry goal with smart cards is to cut costs by eliminating the need for central approval of a debit or credit transaction.