Employees, customers, and suppliers will simply withdraw their support.
By the end of the week, anxious customers had withdrawn the equivalent of $5 billion from Chohung Bank.
In June, customers withdrew $2.8 billion more than was deposited.
Some customers withdrew orders temporarily and at least one promised to fire off an angry e-mail message to Nasdaq's headquarters.
Merchants may also offer cashback facilities to customers, where a customer can withdraw cash along with their purchase.
American Savings' customers are not withdrawing significant deposits, despite the company's reporting a $468 million loss in 1987, she said.
Instead, a customer can deposit or withdraw any amount of money any number of times, subject to availability of funds.
Interest is charged only on the amount the customer withdraws.
Some customers complained about over-blocking, and withdrew from the trial.
Amicus set up banking kiosks where customers could make deposits, apply for loans, and withdraw money.