Potential customers wander about, gazing at tractors or office machinery or stuffed toys.
Some customers wander over from the Manor House, a Victorian bed-and-breakfast just down the road.
Jesse sipped his coffee and watched half a dozen customers wander in and take booths or stools at the counter.
Meanwhile, customers wander into the Grand Luncheonette to pay $1 for a hamburger or $1.95 for two.
On Monday afternoon, a few customers wandered among the lumber shop's ramshackle aisles, where an aroma of sawdust lingered.
It seemed like customers just wandered into carriers' stores and ran the phone software the two of you gave them.
Later in the day, when no customers wandered around the store checking out the new equipment, he seated himself in the listening room with his business partner.
Slowly other customers wandered in.
Conversations break off easily; the customer wanders over to another aisle, comparison shopping, then back to the first.
During a recent lunch hour, a few customers wandered from booth to booth, but not as many as the vendors would have liked.