AOL will also raise the price of its dial-up service to $25.90, from $23.90, to encourage customers to upgrade to a broadband service.
With the Insall Burstein II, the inventors hope to convince customers to upgrade their old models and to win converts.
This meant that, if a customer upgraded to a more modern type of device, many JCL files had to be changed.
Some leasing programs allow the customer to upgrade a system for additional fees.
Nokia is vulnerable because, like other manufacturers, its sales rely on customers' regularly upgrading old models and trying innovative new phones.
They are now selling to players who previously stuck to T-shirts and sneakers, while returning customers are upgrading their wardrobes.
This package allows the customers to upgrade to new versions and maintenance releases during their support period.
It remained in use by businesses for a number of years, despite Microsoft's many efforts to get customers to upgrade to Windows 2000 and newer versions.
Given that it already runs on iPhones, it looks like an attempt to make the 4s look even more appealing, and thus convince existing customers to upgrade.
The switch will be made, and customers will upgrade organically.