Trucks have changed as much as customer tastes.
The company, which stumbled last year when it was slow to adapt to changing customer tastes, has regained market share.
The key to agility, researchers say, is the ability to quickly respond to changing customer tastes, without regard to the number of products to be made.
Critics said that this structure prevented the company's buyers from responding quickly to changing customer tastes.
Given the wide discrepancies in customer tastes and needs based on geographic region, locator software would seem a logical fit for online retailers.
Yours may be gone for reasons beyond your control: a slow economy, a change in customer tastes, bad management.
The company's designs track changes in customer tastes.
A new one, supporting Mr. James's contention that customer tastes are creating change, is cappuccino.
Relying on its past proven ability to adapt to changes in customer tastes and trends in competition, the company was attempting to maintain this status.
As a guide, Barneys hired a consultant to study the differences between uptown and downtown customer tastes.