Business owners said customers were staying away because they did not want to be near demonstrations that may turn violent.
So why do the airlines care how long their customers stay?
A call is an opportunity to build a relationship, to encourage customers to stay with the brand.
The rabbi had been correct, his 'customers' stayed loyal and always returned to him.
"I'll let the boy go this time, but in the future make sure your customers and friends stay away from my tower."
These days, we never take it for granted that a customer will stay with us.
"If we stay within 20 percent of their price, our customers will stay with us."
And my customers stayed away, afraid they'd get stuck in traffic.
"Clearly, the retail side of the business is more lucrative, the fees are higher and the customers stay with you longer."
The typical customer stays only 18 months before graduating to a better rate.