Such features are all part of a broader Microsoft strategy to get customers migrated into the cloud.
Now another customer is migrating to China.
When Enron's problems became apparent several months ago, customers migrated to other energy traders and independent brokers like Amerex of Houston.
Hostess said customers have migrated to healthier foods.
The recession hit many supermarkets as customers migrated to Wal-Mart in even greater numbers.
Meanwhile, Mr. Walz's company, vendors it works with and others are working to help customers migrate to other communications services.
Oracle initially said it would discontinue PeopleSoft's products and prod those customers to migrate to its software.
On 1 August 2010, the net feed in tariff commenced and existing customers can migrate to the new billing system.
"So if their Japanese customers migrate to the United States, they have to find some way to service them or they will lose control."
India's banking system has its roots in sometimes centuries-old regional banks that spread through acquisitions and as their customers migrated.