"The car rental industry is unique because they are letting a customer drive their assets off the lot," he said.
The aim for the company was to fund the mission by the entertainment value of having customers drive the rover.
Some customers will drive "three hours or more to get a lower fare," he said.
If he was lucky, maybe he could hold them off until the next customer drove in for gas.
"My customers just drive up and pick out the kind of boat they want and pay me cash," he said.
Pushers would stroll the street, and customers drive through it looking for a buy.
"No customer will ever drive this vehicle the way we did."
The park is open to the public and customers drive around the park in their own vehicles.
She said that her customers drive "a surprising distance" for the farm's pies.
Using a drive time analysis, it is also possible to predict how far a given customer will drive to a particular location.