The Salmson engines could be replaced by other types (Renault, Lorraine) if a customer desired it.
Most customers desire gems worth more than £1 million (US$1.6 million).
The video and information would be transmitted whenever the customer desired it.
I appreciate that not everyone is the same in this regard - and that many customers desire convergent, multi-purpose devices.
Our customer desired that we keep most of our progress confidential.
Even well-heeled customers desire that mix: pieces that seem one of a kind but are also practical.
Payment is made only for such stamps that the customer has desired to retain.
Now, Jim had quite a collection but Bob Taylor was in the business of supplying whatever a customer might desire.
And his idea of what customers might desire was pretty eclectic.
During the testing period, Tring conducted market research and discovered that customers desired a larger range of Albanian TV channels.