Potential customers must first create an account with a user name and password before ordering or paying for any item.
"Appliances today can be coordinated so well with cabinets that customers can create their own personal space."
Texas officials consider this crucial since a problem in California was that most customers did not switch providers and create a competitive market.
They love that customers will come to their website and create their own itinerary.
At Hamilton Gregg, customers create their own labels and names.
But if the customers didn't create the demand for big houses, they wouldn't be built.
Opposing Fronts requires customers to create an online account for multiplayer.
The Amazon system quickly allows customers to create personal profiles of interests and literary tastes.
Excited customers tell other people about their experiences and create ambassadors for the company.
Serius produces a library of software building blocks and tools from which customers can create their own programs.