The airlines, after all, say they are simply responding to what customers claim they want and need.
"Some nonartist customers were furious and claimed there should be a law against us," she wrote.
Although they won't usually do so, the customer may claim compensation from you - either immediately following the sale or up to six years afterwards.
Failing that the customer can ask another supplier to put the work right and claim the cost of this from you.
A customer brought in a sleek orange cat that had been abandoned and never claimed.
When a customer claimed his attention, she whisked herself out of sight and slipped into the back area.
It said customers should claim compensation for expenses and time spent complaining.
All customers can claim compensation at any time if they choose.
In these circumstances the customer can claim compensation for any losses.
Many customers claimed to have found themselves on hold via phone support for hours, only to be hung up on.