A customer can browse through the store, pick up and sample the products and wander out.
Veritas will soon have a Web site so customers can browse the list and order in advance.
"There are chairs to sit down on, water coolers and staff will come along with colouring books to entertain children while the customer browses."
Inside the store, a few customers browsed among displays of Chinese medicine books and tea-making paraphernalia.
In 2009 the company launched CashGenerator.co.uk as a fully transactional website that allows customers to browse and shop online.
At the store, he was among the first to put records in boxes which customers could browse through, rather than having to ask for songs by name.
In the Glaspaleis, all goods were out in the open, so customers could browse for themselves.
Many customers are browsing, scanning the books's bar codes with their smartphones and then ordering from Amazon.
By March 2008, customers could browse through products and make purchases online.
The customer browses through the items by pressing the appropriate numbers on the Touch-Tone telephone.