June 16th marks the 102nd anniversary of Bloomsday, and there will be customary celebrations in cities around the world.
Saitopolemos is a customary celebration that take place in the Greek city of Kalamata during Easter.
He helped arrange permits for Indo-Caribbean parades and negotiate complaints about the customary four-day celebrations for Guyanese weddings.
Trick-or-treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween.
The customary celebration of library week exists in many countries.
On the victory lap, Castroneves stopped at the finish line, climbed from his car, and proceeded to engage in his customary celebration of climbing the catch fence, much to the delight of the fans.
The occasion, marked by its customary extravagant celebrations, passed, however, with no such announcement.
He was hospitalized for fatigue in October, and recurring weakness caused him to miss his customary celebration of Sunday morning Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral with increasing frequency.
Our customary celebration," she said, before adding, "Truthfully, these changes have not affected the preparation of these couples greatly.
The customary celebration of the King's birthday on June 4 was turned into a wild demonstration against the King; a liberty pole was erected.