The officials insisted that people could choose their own doctors and continue customary arrangements under which patients pay a separate fee for each service.
Some sources say this was "according to Islamic custom", others say they were buried "without customary funeral arrangements".
"There are... customary arrangements for such things," Reber heard himself saying.
The Federal Reserve System is prepared, in accordance with customary arrangements, to meet any unusual liquidity needs of the banks.
After customary arrangements, the House adjourned for the day.
Mine was not the customary arrangement.
We must, however, make the customary arrangements to take it into custody.
That is our customary arrangement when my husband and I are engaged in detectival pursuits.
Instead, it flipped the customary arrangement and put the plaza on the inside.
"By appointment only" is the customary visiting arrangement for galleries specializing in art made before the 20th century.