Nice story, but like many pat explanations it does not explain why a custom persists against what would be expected long after a supposed cause.
The customs persisted well into the 20th century, until the medical doctor became more accessible to the public.
The reason, like the reasons for every- thing else, had been forgotten, but the custom had persisted.
This custom persisted in England until the 19th century, the town waits playing shawms to mark the hours.
When long-established customs like this persist for a while alongside industrialization and rising living standards, of course the population is going to increase.
Pakistan's constitution prohibits this with a penalty of 3 to 10 years of imprisonment but the custom still persists.
The custom of measuring time by one's shadow has persisted since ancient times.
As long as the history and the custom persisted, the tribe was secure.
Likewise, there are regions where more barbaric tribes and customs persist.
The custom of paying kalïm (bride-price) persists to a limited degree but the transaction is more symbolic than financial.