This custom existed between 1563 and late in the 19th century.
Such custom existed also in other cultures, namely in Japan.
However, in some places other customs, like male ultimogeniture or even female ultimogeniture, also exist.
In some communities, the custom exists of one thread more being added at the birth of every child.
In other words, this custom existed for people to tell others whom they did not often meet that they were alive and well.
The custom still exist even among Protestant and Orthodox congregations.
If such a custom did exist, it would clarify certain remarks by other Fathers, which might otherwise seem merely metaphorical.
He also notes that a rather similar custom existed in his day among Southern Slavs.
Certain regional beliefs and customs may exist which may be distinct to the Brahmins in the state.
This custom also still exists in some areas of the Swabian Alb.